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Detailed information-00388

This is the detailed information about year start 2015, year end 2015, including location abbr, race, question id, geolocation, gender, income, class id, etc.
Note: YearEnd - Year End (for single-year indicator, year end=year start);
Low Confidence Limit - Low 95% Confidence Interval value;
High Confidence Limit - High 95% Confidence Interval value;
GeoLocation - Latitude & Longitude to be provided for formatting GeoLocation or Geocode in the format (latitude, longitude);
Class ID - Lookup identifier value for Class;
Stratification Category 1 - Lookup Identification value, such as Age Group, Gender);
Stratification 1 - Data stratified by this value, such as Male, Female, Total .

GUID: 00388
Year Start: 2015
Year End: 2015
Location Abbr: US
Education: Unavailable
Age(years): Unavailable
Gender: Unavailable
Question ID: Q036
Income: Unavailable
Class ID: OWS
Class: Obesity / Weight Status
Topic ID: OWS1
Topic: Obesity / Weight Status
Location Desc: National
Datasource: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Question: Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity
Data Value Unit: Unavailable
Data Value Type: Value
Data Value: 28.9
Data Value Alt: 28.9
Data Value Footnote Symbol: Unavailable
Data Value Footnote: Unavailable
Low Confidence Limit: 28.6
High Confidence Limit: 29.1
Sample Size: 398316
Total: Total
Data Value Type ID: VALUE
Location ID: 59
Stratification Category 1: Total
Stratification 1: Total
Stratification CategoryId 1: OVR
Stratification ID 1: OVERALL