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Jurisdiction name: 10016 (ZIP Code)
This is ZIP Code 10016 in New York Demographic Statistics, the information including 48 items.
Jurisdiction name: 10016
ZIP Code: 10016 detail and map etc.
Count participants: 17
Count female: 12
Percent female: 71%
Count male: 5
Percent male: 29%
Count gender unknown: 0
Percent gender unknown: 0%
Count gender total: 17
Percent gender total: 100%
Count pacific islander: 0
Percent pacific islander: 0%
Count hispanic latino: 9
Percent hispanic latino: 53%
Count american indian: 0
Percent american indian: 0%
Count asian non hispanic: 0
Percent asian non hispanic: 0%
Count white non hispanic: 0
Percent white non hispanic: 0%
Count black non hispanic: 8
Percent black non hispanic: 47%
Count other ethnicity: 0
Percent other ethnicity: 0%
Count ethnicity unknown: 0
Percent ethnicity unknown: 0%
Count ethnicity total: 17
Percent ethnicity total: 100%
Count permanent resident alien: 0
Percent permanent resident alien: 0%
Count us citizen: 17
Percent us citizen: 100%
Count other citizen status: 0
Percent other citizen status: 0%
Count citizen status unknown: 0
Percent citizen status unknown: 0%
Count citizen status total: 17
Percent citizen status total: 100%
Count receives public assistance: 9
Percent receives public assistance: 53%
Count nreceives public assistance: 8
Percent nreceives public assistance: 47%
Count public assistance unknown: 0
Percent public assistance unknown: 0%
Count public assistance total: 17
Percent public assistance total: 100%