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Detailed information-GREENE COUNTY HOSPITAL
This is the detailed information about GREENE COUNTY HOSPITAL, including its zip code, address, phone, provider id, state, hopital type, hospital ownership, etc.
Provider Id: 010051
ZIP Code: 35462
State: AL
County Name: GREENE
Hospital Type: Acute Care Hospitals
Hospital Ownership: Government - Local
Address: 509 WILSON AVENUE
Phone Number: 2053723388
Emergency Services: true
Meets criteria for meaningful use of EHRs: true
Location: 509 WILSON AVENUE
EUTAW, AL 35462
(32.844744, -87.889307)
Mortality national comparison: Same as the national average
Mortality national comparison footnote:
Safety of care national comparison: Not Available
Safety of care national comparison footnote: Results are not available for this reporting period
Readmission national comparison: Same as the national average
Readmission national comparison footnote:
Patient experience national comparison: Not Available
Patient experience national comparison footnote: There are too few measures or measure groups reported to calculate a star rating or measure group score
Effectiveness of care national comparison: Same as the national average
Effectiveness of care national comparison footnote:
Timeliness of care national comparison: Same as the national average
Timeliness of care national comparison footnote:
Efficient use of medical imaging national comparison: Not Available
Efficient use of medical imaging national comparison footnote: Results are not available for this reporting period