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Detailed information-MAPLETON CARE CENTER
This is the detailed information about MAPLETON CARE CENTER, including its zip code, address, phone, federal provider number, state, overall rating, etc.
Federal Provider Number: 065097
Provider State: CO
Provider Zip Code: 80226
Ownership Type: For profit - Limited Liability company
Number of Substantiated Complaints: 3
Provider Phone Number: 3032371325
Provider City: LAKEWOOD
Provider SSA County Code: 290
Provider County Name: Jefferson
Provider Address: 115 INGALLS STREET
Number of Certified Beds: 90
Number of Residents in Certified Beds: 63.8
Provider Type: Medicare and Medicaid
Provider Resides in Hospital: N
Date First Approved to Provide Medicare and Medicaid services: 1968-04-01
Continuing Care Retirement Community: N
Special Focus Facility: N
Most Recent Health Inspection More Than 2 Years Ago: N
Provider Changed Ownership in Last 12 Months: N
With a Resident and Family Council: Resident
Automatic Sprinkler Systems in All Required Areas: Yes
Reported Staffing Footnote:
Physical Therapist Staffing Footnote:
Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 2.42111
Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 0.75428
Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 0.78054
Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 1.53483
Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 3.95594
Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per Day: 0.11171
Expected CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 1.93929
Expected LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 0.65095
Expected RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 0.27764
Expected Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 2.86788
Adjusted CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 2.60832
Adjusted LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 0.87932
Adjusted RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 1.06948
Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day: 4.45339
Health Survey Date Under New Process: No Health Inspection since 11/28/2017
Number of Health Deficiencies on Survey Under New Process: Not Applicable
Severity of Most Severe Deficiency Cited Under New Process: Not Applicable
Largest Number of Residents Affected by Deficiency Cited Under New Process: Not Applicable
Date of Previous Standard Health Inspection: 01/10/2017
Number of Health Deficiencies on Previous Standard Health Inspection: 2
Total Weighted Health Survey Score: 41.600
Number of Facility Reported Incidents: 0
Number of Fines: 0
Total Amount of Fines in Dollars: 0
Number of Payment Denials: 0
Total Number of Penalties: 0
Processing Date: 2018-04-01